2006年11月 ネパール評論
ところが,そこに日本軍が派遣されると,どうなるか? これまでの,平和友好関係は,一瞬にしてぶち壊しだ。
やはり出た! 石破防衛庁長官談話(No.3278参照)につづき,経団連の武器輸出解禁論(朝日2/5)。武力自衛を考えるなら,兵器自給は大前提。武器生産には膨大な開発費と生産体制維持費が必要だ。内需だけでは引き合わない。
「日本にうちのAKを買って欲しい。わずかな数の小銃を国産していたのではコストが高くなる。・・・・AKは信頼性があって値段も安く,自信を持って進められる商品だ」(朝日 2/5)。
http://www.edu.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/private/tanigawa/npl/n-comment/2004a.htm#040127 ;
* "UN not to recognize PLA recruitment after May 25," ekantipur, Nov.25; Balram Baniya and Bikash Thapa, "Nepali leaders misuse vehicles," UWB, Nov.25
T マオイスト宿営地建設・運営費
高尚な平和運動家やマスコミは何もいわないが,すべてはカネだ。23日の7千万ルピーは当座の必要資金にすぎず,「宿営地の長期的運用には巨額の予算がいるだろう」(nepalnews.com, Nov.23)と,さっそくカネの無心が始まった。そんなこと,はじめから分かっているではないか。
70000000ルピー÷ 6000人=11666ルピー/人
本当に,35000人も収容するつもりなのか? ごくごく初歩的な疑問ながら,ぜひ答えてもらいたいものだ。
U 読売社説の冷静さ
* "Government provides Rs 70m to Maoists for management of cantonments," nepalnews.com, Nov. 23; "government provides Rs 70 for PLA camp management," ekantipur, Nov.23; "Maoists taking shelter in locals houses due to lack of infrastructures in cantonment sites"; 読売新聞,11月24日。
では,「戦闘員」とは誰で,何人いるのか? 協定はそれについて何も決めていない。まさか35000人も収容するつもりではあるまい。この部分は明日にでももめそうな欠陥規定だ。裏協定があるのかもしれない。
November 21, 2006
The U.S. Embassy welcomes the announcement of a comprehensive peace agreement between the Government of Nepal and the Maoists. We hope this step will place Nepal on the path of lasting peace and democracy. We want the peace process to work and we pledge our full support. We support an agreement that safeguards the aspirations of the Nepali people.
This means violence, intimidation, and criminal acts -- such as forced recruitment of cadre and extortion -- must end. The Nepali people, who have lived in fear for 11 years, deserve a chance to live without fear and choose their form of government in fair elections.
The United States is committed to help Nepal build a peaceful, prosperous, and democratic future for its people.
Following the 21 November signing of the historic Peace Accord between the Government of Nepal and the Maoists, the Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett MP said:
'The UK congratulates the Government of Nepal and the Maoists on signing their historic Peace Accord. We applaud the commitment of the people of Nepal to build a stable and peaceful future for their country. Their dedication to the cause of peace has prevailed, after a decade of civil war.
'We now look to both sides to make the agreement a reality throughout Nepal. Specifically, the UK again urges both the Government of Nepal and the Maoists to respect and uphold the rule of law.
'We encourage all signatories to the agreement to build consensus and work together with the UN as the country moves towards a new government and new elections. The people of Nepal can count on the support of the UK to help them build a new and better future.'
Comprehensive Peace Accord
Full text of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement
held between Government of Nepal and Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) [
2006-11-22 ]
Respecting popular mandate of Nepali people expressed in favor of democracy, peace and progression through the historical struggles and people's movements, time and again, from 2007 BS and even before till now;
Reaffirming the full commitment towards the twelve-point agreement reached between seven political parties, CPN (Maoist), eight- point consensus, twenty-five point code of conduct held between Government of Nepal and CPN (Maoist), decision made in the meeting held between apex leaders of seven political parties and CPN (Maoist) held on Nov. 8 2006 including all agreement, consensus, code of conduct reached between Government of Nepal and CPN (Maoist), and letters of similar viewpoints sent to United Nations;
Expressing determination for progressive restructuring of the state to resolve existing problems in the country, based on class, cast, region, sex;
Reiterating the full commitment towards democratic value and acceptance including competitive multiparty democratic system of governance, civil liberty, fundamental rights, human rights, full press freedom and concept of rule of law;
Remaining committed towards Universal Declaration of Human rights, 2048, international humanitarian laws and basic principles and acceptance relating to human rights;
Keeping democracy, peace, prosperity, progressive economic and social change and independence, indivisibility, sovereignty, and self respect of the country at centre;
Expressing commitment to hold election to constituent assembly in free and fair manner till the end of the month of Jeth 2064 BS;
Declaring the beginning of a new chapter of peaceful collaboration by ending armed struggle continued in the country from 2052 BS through political consensus between the two parties to ensure sovereignty of Nepali People through constituent assembly, forward looking political resolution, democratic restructuring of the state and economic-social and cultural transformation;
This comprehensive peace agreement has been reached between Government of Nepal and CPN (Maoist) with commitment to transform ceasefire between Government of Nepal and CPN (Maoist) into sustainable peace.
1. Preliminary
1.1. The name
of this agreement is "Comprehensive Peace Agreement?. In short the agreement
shall be called Peace Agreement.
1.2.The agreement shall come into force after public declaration by the government and Maoist side.
1.3.Both the sides shall give necessary directives to all the agencies under their control for immediate implementation of this agreement and to abide by it and implement it and get it implemented.
1.4.All the agreement, consensus and decision reached between seven political parties, the government and Maoists that are enclosed in annex shall be integral part of this agreement.
1.5.The consensus and agreement to be reached hereafter for the implementation of this agreement shall also be the integral part of this agreement.
2. Definition: Unless the subject
and context mean otherwise, in this agreement:
(a) "Ceasefire"means the acts
to negate all forms of aggressions, kidnappings, disappearances, taking into
custody aimed at each other and between Government of Nepal and CPN (Maoist),
mobilisation and strengthening of armed forces, destruction in the society by
any means including aggression and activities of violence and acts of incitement
and instigation.
(b) "Interim Constitution"means "Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063"to be issued until drafting and enforcement of the new constitution by constituent assembly.
"Interim Council of Ministers"means "Interim Council of Ministers"to be formed according to Interim Constitution.
"Both the Parties"means the party of Government of Nepal and the party of Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist).
"Prevailing Law"means Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063 and prevailing Nepal Laws that are not inconsistent with it. But this definition shall not obstruct legal arrangement existed before enforcement of Interim constitution 2063.
"Verification"means the subject of verification and true record keeping of military, combatant and arms by United Nations.
3. Political - Economic - Social
Transformation and Conflict Management
Both the parties are in
agreement to adopt following policy and program for political-economic and
social transformation and to affirmatively resolve existing conflict in the
3.1. To ensure forward moving political economic and social transformation on the basis of decision made in summit meeting between seven political parties and CPN (Maoist) held on Nov. 8, 2006 (Annex-6)
3.2. To guarantee sovereignty inherent in Nepalese people in practice by forming interim legislature - parliament according to interim constitution and by holding election to constituent assembly in free and fair manner till the Month of Jeth, 2064 BS by Interim Government.
3.3. To not allow any authority regarding affairs of governance of the country to remain with the king. To bring the properties of late King Birendra, late queen Aishworya and their family under Government of Nepal and to make use of the property in the interest of the state by forming a trust. To nationalise all the properties (like palaces situated in different places, forest and parks, heritages with historical and archeological importance) received by King Gyanendra in his capacity as the King. To decide the issue of whether or not to retain the monarchy by simple majority in the first meeting of constituent assembly.
3.4. To adopt a political system that complies with universally accepted fundamental human rights, multiparty competitive democratic system, sovereignty inherited in people, supremacy of the people, constitutional check and balance, rule of law, social justice, equality, independent judiciary, periodic election, monitoring by civil society, complete press freedom, people's right to information, transparency and accountability in the activities of political parties, people's participation, impartial, competent, and fair concept of bureaucracy.
3.5. To address the problems related to women, Dalit, indigenous people, Janajatis, Madheshi, oppressed, neglected, minorities and the backward by ending discrimination based on class, caste, language, sex, culture, religion, and region and to restructure the state on the basis of inclusiveness, democracy and progression by ending present centralised and unitary structure of the state.
3.6. To keep implementing at least programs of common consensus for the economic and social transformation to end all forms of feudalism.
3.7. To adopt the policy to implement scientific land reform program by ending feudalistic system of land holding.
3.8. To follow the policy for the protection and
promotion of national industries and resources.
3.9. To adopt policy to
establish rights of all citizens in education, health, housing, employment and
food reserve.
3.10. To adopt policy to provide land and other economic protection to landless squatters, Kamaiya, Halia, Harwa, Charwa and economically backward section.
3.11. To adopt policy to severely punish people amassing properties by means of corruption while remaining in government posts.
3.12. To form common development concept for economic and social transformation and justice and to make the country developed and economically prosperous, at the earliest.
3.13. To follow the policy to increase investment in industries, trade and export promotion in order to increase opportunities for income generation by ensuring professional rights of the laborers.
Management of Army and Arms
In order to hold
election to constituent assembly in free and fair manner and for the democratic
restructuring of the army to proceed with the following works according to
twelve point agreement, eight point consensus, twenty-five point code of
conduct, five-point letter sent to United Nations and decision taken by summit
meeting held on Nov. 8:
Relating to the Maoists' Army-
4.1 As per the
commitment expressed in the letter sent on behalf of the Government of Nepal and
the CPN (Maoist) to the United Nations on August 9, 2006, the Maoists' Army
combatants shall remain within the following Cantonments. The UN shall verify
and monitor them.
The main Cantonments shall remain in the following
1. Kailali 2. Surkhet 3. Rolpa 4. Nawalparasi
5. Chitwan 6.
Sindhuli 7. Ilam
Three sub-cantonments shall be placed in the
periphery of each of these main cantonments.
4.2. After placing the Maoist
combatants within the Cantonments, all the arms and ammunition except those
required for providing security to the Cantonments shall be securely stored and
the keys to the single lock shall remain with the side concerned. The UN shall
monitor the process of placing the weapons under the single lock by keeping
records and fitting a device along with siren. In case of need to examine the
weapons placed under the single lock, the UN shall do so under the presence of
concerned side. All the technical details along with Camera Monitoring shall be
prepared under the joint agreement of the UN, CPN (Maoist) and the Government of
4.3. The government of Nepal shall make all the necessary arrangements including ration needed for the Maoist combatants after placing them within the Cantonments.
4.4. The Interim Council of Ministers shall form a special committee in order to inspect, integrate and rehabilitate the Maoist combatants.
4.5. The government shall be taking care of
security arrangements of the Maoist leaders.
Relating to the Nepali
4.6. As per the commitment expressed in the letter sent to the UN, the Nepali Army shall be confined within the barracks. Guarantee that the arms shall not be used for or against any side. The Nepali Army shall store the same amount of arms in accordance with that of the Maoists and seal it with single-lock and give the key to the concerned side. In case of need to examine the stored arms, the UN would do so in the presence of the concerned side. Prepare the details of technology including camera for monitoring as per the agreement among the Government of Nepal, the Maoists and the UN.
4.7. The Council of Ministers shall control, mobilise and manage the Nepali Army as per the new Military Act. The Interim Council of Ministers shall prepare and implement the detailed action plan of democratisation of the Nepali Army by taking suggestions from the concerned committee of the Interim Parliament. This shall include tasks such as determining the right number of the Nepali Army, preparing the democratic structure reflecting the national and inclusive character and training them as per the democratic principles and values of the human rights.
4.8. Nepali Army shall be giving continuity to tasks such as border security, security of the conservation areas, protected areas, banks, airport, power house, telephone tower, central secretariat and security of VIPs.
5. Cease-Fire
5.1. Termination
of military action and armed mobilisation:
5.1.1. Both sides shall express
commitment to refrain from carrying out following activities:
a. Direct or
indirect use of any type of weapon or acts of attack against each other.
Searching or confiscating weapons belonging to other side with or without
weapons at the place where the arms have been stored as per the understanding
reached between both sides.
c. Hurt or render mental pressure against any
d. Set up ambush targeting any side.
e. Involve in murder or
violent activities.
f. Involvement in
g. Arial attack or bombardment.
h. Mining and sabotaging.
i. Spying military activities of any
5.1.2. Both sides shall not recruit additional armed forces or conduct military activities, including transporting weapons, ammunitions and explosives.
However, the security forces deployed by the
interim government shall have authority to conduct routine patrol, explore in
order to prevent illegal trafficking of the weapons, explosives or raw materials
used in assembling weapons at the international border or custom points and
seize it.
5.1.3. No individual or group shall bear any illegal weapons,
ammunitions or explosives while traveling.
5.1.4. Both sides shall assist each other to mark the landmines and booby-traps used during the time of armed conflict by providing necessary information within 30 days and defuse and excavate it within 60 days.
5.1.5. Armies of both sides shall not bear arms or show their presence wearing combat fatigue during any public programme, political meeting or civil assembly.
5.1.6. Nepal Police and Armed Police Force shall give continuity to the task of maintaining legal system and law and order along with criminal investigation as per the norms and sentiments of the Jana Andolan and peace accord as well as prevailing law.
5.1.7. Both sides shall issue circular to its respective armed bodies or personnel to stop addressing any armed personnel of opposite side by the term 'enemy' or behave in similar manner.
5.1.8. Both sides agree to maintain a record of the government, public, private building, land and other property seized, locked up or not allowed to use in course of the armed conflict and return them back immediately.
5.2 Situation Normalisation Measures:
Collection of cash or kind and tax collection against one's wish and against the
existing law shall not be allowed.
5.2.2. Both sides agree to make public the status of the people under one's custody and release them within 15 days.
5.2.3. Both sides also agree to make public within 60 days of signing of the agreement the real name, caste and address of the people made 'disappeared' or killed during the conflict and also inform the family members about it.
5.2.4. Both sides agree to constitute a National Peace and Rehabilitation Commission and carry out works through it to normalise the adverse situation arising as a result of the armed conflict, maintain peace in the society and run relief and rehabilitation works for the people victimised and displaced as a result of the conflict.
5.2.5. Both sides agree to set up a High-level Truth and Reconciliation Commission as per the mutual consensus in order to probe about those involved in serious violation of human rights and crime against humanity in course of the armed conflict and develop an atmosphere for reconciliation in the society.
5.2.6. Both sides pledge to abandon all types of war, attack, counter-attack, violence and counter-violence in the country with a commitment to ensure loktantra, peace and forward-looking change in the Nepali society. It is also agreed that both the sides would assist one another in the establishment of peace and maintaining of law and order.
5.2.7. Both sides guarantee to withdraw accusations, claims, complaints and under-consideration cases leveled against various individuals due to political reasons and immediately make public the state of those imprisoned and immediately release them.
5.2.8. Both sides express the commitment to allow without any political prejudice the people displaced due to the armed conflict to return back voluntarily to their respective ancestral or former residence, reconstruct the infrastructure destroyed as a result of the conflict and rehabilitate and reintegrate the displaced people into the society.
5.2.9. Both sides agree to take individual and collective responsibility of resolving, with also the support of all political parties, civil society and local institutions, any problems arising in the aforementioned context on the basis of mutual consensus and creating an atmosphere conducive for normalisation of mutual relations and for reconciliation.
5.2.10. Both sides express the commitment not to discriminate against or exert any kind of pressure on any member of the family of the two sides or on the basis of being related to one another.
5.2.11. Both sides agree not to create any kind of obstacle and allow any kind of obstruction to be created in the independent traveling, assuming of duties and executing of work by the Government of Nepal and Public Bodies' employees and assist them in their work.
5.2.12. Both sides agree to allow unrestricted traveling as per the law within the state of Nepal to the United Nations, International Donors Agencies and Diplomatic Missions based in Nepal, National and International Non-Government Organisations, Press, Human Rights Activists, Election Observers and foreign tourists.
5.2.13. Both sides are committed to operating publicity programs in a decent and respectable manner.
6. End of conflict
6.1. On the
basis of the historical agreement reached between the Seven Political Parties
and the CPN (Maoist) on November 8, 2006, we declare an end to the armed
conflict ongoing in the country since 1995 by giving permanency to the ongoing
cease-fire between the Government and the Maoist.
6.2. The decisions taken by the meeting on November 8, 2006 of the senior leaders of the Seven Parties and the CPN (Maoist) would be the main policy basis for long-term peace.
6.3. Following the arrival of the Nepali Army in the barracks and the Maoist Army combatants in temporary camps, holding, display and use of violence and arms for creating fear and terror and in any form against the agreement and law would be legally punishable.
6.4. Army of both the sides would not be allowed to publicise for or against any side and support or protest any side. But they shall not be deprived from their right to vote.
7. Human Rights, Fundamental Rights and
Adherence to Humanitarian Law
By remaining committed to the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, the International Humanitarian Law
and fundamental principles and standards of human rights, both sides expressed
their agreement to the following issues:
7.1. Human Rights:
7.1.1. Both sides reiterate
their commitment to the respect and protection of human rights and to
international humanitarian law and accept that nobody should be discriminated
against on the basis of colour, gender, language, religion, age, race, national
and social origin, wealth, disability, birth and other status, thought or
7.1.2. Both sides agree to create an atmosphere where the Nepali people can enjoy their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights and are committed to ensuring that such rights are not violated under any circumstances in the future.
7.1.3. Both sides express the commitment that impartial investigation and action as per the law would be carried out against the people responsible in creating obstructions to the exercising of the rights envisaged in the letter of agreement and guarantee not to encourage impunity. Apart from this, they shall also guarantee the right to relief of the families of the conflict and torture victims and the disappeared.
7.1.4. Both sides would not be involved in the acts of torture, kidnapping and forcing the civilians in any work and take necessary action to discourage such acts.
7.1.5. On the basis of norms and values of secularism, both sides shall respect the social, cultural, religious sensitivity, religious site and the religious faith of the individual.
7.2. Right to Live:
7.2.1. Both sides respect
and protect the fundamental right to live of an individual. Nobody shall be
deprived of this fundamental right and no law shall be formulated to award death
7.3. Right to Individual Dignity, Freedom and Mobility
7.3.1. Both sides respect and protect the right to individual dignity. In this connection, no person including those deprived of enjoying freedom as per the law would be subjected to torture or any other cruel, inhuman or degrading behaviour or punishment. The citizen's right to confidentiality shall be respected.
7.3.2. Both sides shall fully respect the individual's right to freedom and security and shall not be allowed to keep anyone under arbitrary or illegal detention, kidnap or hold captive. Both sides agree to make public the status of every individual made 'disappeared' and held captive and inform about this to their family members, legal advisor and other authorised person.
7.3.3. Both sides shall respect and protect the citizens' right to free mobility and the freedom to choose within legal norms the location of one's residence and express the commitment to respect the right of the people displaced by the conflict and their families to return back to their homes or to settle in any other location of their choice.
7.4. Civil and Political Rights
7.4.1. Both
sides are committed to respect the individual's freedom of speech, expression,
setting up organisations and holding peaceful gatherings and right to freedom of
7.4.2. Both sides respect the right of every citizen to take part directly or through one's selected representative in issues of public concern, to vote, to be elected and equality in joining of public services.
7.4.3. Both sides are committed to respect the individual's right to be informed.
7.5. Economic?Social Rights
7.5.1. Both sides are committed to respect and protect the individual's right to livelihood through employment of their choice or acceptance.
Full text of the peace agreement
7.5.2. Both
sides are committed to respecting and guaranteeing the rights of food security
of all the people. They guarantee that there would be no interference in the
transportation, use and distribution of food, food products and food
7.5.3. Both sides identify with the fact that the citizens' right to health should be respected and protected. Both sides will not create hurdles in the supply of medicines and in health assistance and campaigns, and express commitment for treatment and rehabilitation of the people injured in course of the conflict.
7.5.4. With the realisation of the fact that the right to education should be guaranteed and respected, both sides are committed to maintaining a conducive academic environment in the educational institutions. Both sides agree to guarantee that the right to education would not be impeded. They agree to put to an end, on an immediate basis, activities like taking the educational institutions under control and using them, abducting teachers and students, taking them under control and making them to disappear, and to not to establish barracks in a way that it would impede them.
7.5.5. Both sides agree that the private property of any individual would not be seized or usurped, except permitted by the laws.
7.5.6. Both sides believe in the fact that the industrial climate in the country should not be disturbed and production should be given continuity and that the right of collective bargaining and social security should be respected. They also believe in the fact that if any problem arises between the business houses and labourers, they should be encouraged to resolve the problem in a peaceful manner. Both sides respect the right to work prescribed by the International Labour Organisation.
7.6. Women and Child Rights
7.6.1. Both sides
fully agree to protect the rights of the women and children in a special way, to
immediately stop all types of violence against women and children, including
child labour as well as sexual exploitation and abuse. They also fully agree not
to include or use children who are 18 years old and below in the armed force.
Children thus affected would be instantaneously rescued and necessary and
suitable assistance would be provided for their rehabilitation.
7.7. Right of Personal Liberty
7.7.1. Both
sides agree to the freedom of opinion and expression; freedom to assemble
peaceably and without arms; freedom of movement; freedom to practice any
profession, or to carry on any occupation, industry or trade; press and
publication rights; the freedom to take part in peaceful political activities;
the right of equality before the law; and to implement and have a tolerable
system of justice implemented.
8. Dispute Settlement and Implementation
8.1. Both sides agree to become responsible and
accountable in a personal and collective way and not to repeat in future
mistakes committed in the past and also to correct these mistakes on a gradual
8.2. The National Peace and Rehabilitation Commission can set up mechanism as per the need for making the campaign for peace successful. The composition and working procedures of the Commission would be as determined by the interim Council of Ministers.
8.3. Both sides are committed to settle all kinds of present or possible future mutual differences or problems through mutual talks, understanding, consensus and dialogue.
8.4. Both sides express commitment that the interim Council of Ministers can constitute and determine the working procedures of the National Peace and Rehabilitation Commission, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the High-level State Restructuring Recommendation Commission and other mechanisms as per the need to implement this agreement, the Interim Constitution and all the decisions, agreements and understandings reached between the Seven-party Alliance, the Government of Nepal and the CPN (Maoist).
9. Implementation and
Both sides have agreed to make the following arrangements
for the implementation of the understandings mentioned in this agreement and for
their follow-up -
9.1. Both sides agree to give continuity to the task of monitoring of the human rights provisions mentioned in this agreement by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Nepal.
9.2. Both sides agree for the monitoring of the management of arms and the armies by the United Nations Mission in Nepal as mentioned in the five-point letter send to the UN earlier and in the present agreement.
9.3. Both sides agree to get the United Nations supervise the election to the Constituent Assembly.
9.4. The National Human Rights Commission shall also carry out works related to the monitoring of human rights as mentioned in this agreement together with the responsibility assigned to it as per the laws. In connection with carrying out its works, the Commission can take the help of national and international human rights organisations after maintaining necessary coordination with them.
9.5. Both sides agree to accept the reports submitted by the above-mentioned bodies, to provide the information requested by them, and to implement the suggestions and recommendations given by them on the basis of consensus and dialogue.
10. Miscellaneous
10.1. Both
sides agree not to operate parallel or any form of structure in any areas of the
state or government structure as per the letter of the decisions of November 8
and the spirit of the peace agreement.
10.2. Both sides accept to sign any complementary agreements, as necessitated, for the implementation of the present agreement.
10.3. This agreement can be revised any time with the consent of both sides. Both sides agree to provide to each other prior written information if they wish to make any changes. The amendments could be made to the agreement with the consent of both sides after receiving the information. The provisions to be made by such an amendment would not be below the minimum standards of the accepted international human rights and humanitarian laws.
10.4. If any disputes arise in any interpretation of this agreement, a joint mechanism comprising both sides shall make the interpretation on the basis of the preamble and the documents included in the schedule of this agreement, and this interpretation would be final.
10.5. The concept of 'two sides' as mentioned in this agreement would automatically cease to exist after the constitution of the Interim Legislature -Parliament. Thereafter, all the responsibility of implementing the obligations stated in this agreement shall be as per the arrangements made by the interim Council of Ministers. It would be the duty and responsibility of all the political parties to extend cooperation in the compliance and implementation of the agreement.
10.6. We heartily appeal to one and all to extend cooperation for resolving their problems and demands through talks and dialogue and for holding the election to the constituent assembly and maintaining the law and order, at a time when the entire country is focused on the main campaign of the election of the Constituent Assembly.
10.7. We heartily appeal to the civil society, the professional groups, the class organisations, the media, the intellectual community and all the Nepali people to actively participate in this historic campaign of building a new Nepal and establishing lasting peace through the election of the Constituent Assembly by ending the armed conflict.
10.8. We heartily urge all the friendly countries and the United Nations, as well as the International Community to extend support to Nepal in this campaign of establishing full democracy and lasting peace.
Cognizant of the responsibility of the future of the country and the people, and becoming fully committed to this comprehensive peace agreement, we, on behalf of the Government of Nepal and the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), hereby make public this comprehensive peace agreement after signing it.
Prachanda Girija Prasad Koirala
President Prime
Communist Party Government of
of Nepal (Maoist) Nepal
on November 21, 2006
(eKantipur, Nov.22)
ネパール「弾圧,国王に責任」調査報告 処罰法制定求める
高等調査委員会(High Level Provbe Commission)の1184ページにも及ぶ(ネパール的!)報告書そのものは読んでいないが,HLPCが2006年春蜂起(Janaandolan II)弾圧を調査し,294人を取り調べ,202人(国王を含む)の訴追を求めたことは事実らしい。朝日は「国王に責任があり,処罰すべきだ」とする報告書,と報じているが,本当かな? センセーショナリズムに流れた朝日記事よりも,むしろ「訴追を求めた」とするカンチプルの方が正確ではないだろうか。
can do no
日本国天皇も戦争責任を問われ,主権者たる「現人神」から日本の単なる「シンボル」に降格された。ネパール国王には,どのような政治的責任を問うべきか? それは,もちろんネパール国民が決めることだが,これまで私は次のような責任の取り方を勧めてきた。
HLPCは5人の委員から構成されているが,その内の2人(Ramkumar Shrestha & Kiran Shrestha)が報告書に強硬に反対,別の報告書を提出するのだという。3:2では,ラヤマジ委員長報告書の権威はがた落ちだ。
* "HLPC submits report to PN. recommends action against 202,"
eKantipur, Nov.20
* HLPC: formed in May 5 2006; Krishna Jung Rayamajhi
(chairman), Harihar Birahi, Ram Prasad Shrestha, Ram Kumar Shrestha, Kiran
おなじみのレッサム・フィリリがコマーシャルソングになった。日本初? 長崎限定かもしれない。古き良きネパールを忍ばせるよい民謡だ。
* JB Pun Magar, "Peep-eye: The Maoist army is playing coy," Nepali Times, #323, 17-23 Nov. 2006.
たいへんな策士がマオイストにはついている。バブラム博士かな? それとも「勇敢」同志かな?
* "Maoist Madness: Crazy Comrades Stop This Nonsense!," UWB, Nov.16.
* eKantipur, Nov.15
* "Govt seeks donor assistance for rebel cantonments, CA poll,"
eKantipur, Nov.14; Ameet Dhakal, "Maoists to remain on US terrorist list,"
Kathmandu Post, Nov.13
ひるがえって日本を見ると,報道の自由度は何と第37位。本当にそんなに自由なの? 信じられない。
「天声人語」は何をいっているのだ。「言われかねまい」ではなく,これは「世論の偽造」そのものだ。何を遠慮し,自己規制しているのか! だから,朝日はダメなのだ。
特に文科省! 職員を毎年千人くらいずつネパールに送り,教育の何たるか,言論の自由と民主主義の大切さを,もう一度基礎から徹底的に学び直させるべきだ。
*朝日新聞,11月9−11日;Freedom House HP.
しかし一方,協定を見ると,これがほんの入り口であるにすぎないことがすぐわかる。この合意は,前文自身が列挙しているように,これまでのおびただしい合意項目(xx-point agreement)の上に,つまり12+8+25+5=50本もの針のむしろの上に,かろうじて成立した風船のような合意なのだ。
T 和平協定の問題点
印米の了解を得た協定であり,(2)の可能性もあるが,したたかなマオイストのこと,(1)をねらっているのではないか? その場合,問題は近代的法治が可能かということ。
U 手つかずの諸問題
V 印米の了解と留保
* Rising Nepal, Nov.8; eKantipur, Nov.8; nepalnews.com, Nov.8
Full text of the decisions of the SPA-Maoist summit meeting:
Respecting people’s aspiration for democracy, peace and progress expressed through repeated historic people’s movement and struggles since 1951,
Reaffirming commitments to the 12-point and 8-point agreements, and 25-point code of conduct between the seven parties and the Maoists along with other agreements, understandings, code of conducts and letter sent to the United Nations stating similar perspectives by the Maoists and the Nepal government,
Pledging for progressive restructuring of the state by resolving prevailing problems related with class, ethnicity, regional and gender differences,
Reiterating commitments to competitive multiparty democratic system, civil liberties, fundamental rights, human rights, complete press freedom, rule of law and all other norms and values of democratic system,
Guaranteeing the fundamental rights of the Nepalese people to cast their votes in the constituent assembly polls without any kind of fear,
By putting democracy, peace, prosperity, progressive social and economic transformation, independence, integrity, sovereignty and prestige of the state in the centre-stage and to implement the commitments made by both the sides to hold the election to constituent assembly by mid June 2007 in a free and fair manner, the following decisions have been taken from the meeting of the top leaders of the seven parties and the Maoists today, November 8, 2006.
I. Relating to the implementation of the past agreements
1. Implement all the agreements, understanding and code of conduct signed earlier - fully, sincerely and strongly
2. Form a high-level commission to investigate and publicise the whereabouts of citizens stated to have been disappeared by the state and the Maoists in the past
3. Accelerate the process of returning the houses, land and properties confiscated in the past. Ensure the environment so that displaced people would be able to return to their villages. For this purpose, committees would be formed in districts comprising representatives from both the sides. Complete all these works within one month.
4. Make public announcement regarding the withdrawal of all accusations and charges levelled by the state at the leaders and the cadres of the CPN (Maoist) and release all political prisoners from both the sides.
II. Relating to management of arms and army
In order to hold the elections to constituent assembly in a peaceful, free and fair environment and for democratisation and restructuring of the Nepali Army as per the feelings expressed in 12-point agreement, 8-point understanding, 25-point code of conduct and 5-point letter sent to the United Nations, the following works would be carried out:
Relating to Maoist army
1. As per the commitments expressed in the letter sent to the United Nations by the Nepal government and the Maoists on August 9, the combatants of the Maoists would be sent to following cantonments. The United Nations would do the necessary verification and monitoring of them.
Main camps would be in the following places
1. Kailali, 2. Surkhet, 3. Rolpa, 4. Palpa, 5. Kavre, 6. Sindhuli 7. Ilam. There would be three smaller camps located in the periphery of each of these main camps
1. All the arms and ammunitions would be securely stored in the camps except those needed for providing security of the camp after the Maoist combatants are sent to the cantonments. They will be put under a single lock system and the concerned side would keep the key of this lock. For the UN to monitor it, a device with siren as well as recording facility will be installed. When there is need to examine the stored arms, the UN would do so in the presence of the concerned side. Prepare the details of technology including camera for monitoring as per the agreement among the Nepal government, the Maoists and the United Nations.
2. On completion of cantonment of the Maoist combatants, Nepal government would take up the responsibility for providing ration and other facilities to them
3. The interim cabinet would form a special committee to carry out monitoring, integration and rehabilitation of the Maoist combatants
4. Make arrangement for the security of the Maoist leaders as per the agreement with the Nepal government
Relating to Nepali Army
1. The Nepali Army would be confined to the barracks as per the commitments of the letter sent to the United Nations. Guarantee that its arms would not be used for or against any side. Keep similar quantity of arms of the Nepali Army in the store, seal it with single-lock system and give the key to the concerned side. For the UN to monitor it, a device with siren as well as recording facility will be installed. When there is need to examine the stored arms, the UN would do so in the presence of the concerned side. Prepare the details of technology including camera for monitoring as per the agreement among the Nepal government, the Maoists and the United Nations..
2. The cabinet would control, mobilise and manage the Nepali Army as per the new Military Act. The interim cabinet would prepare and implement the detailed action plan of democratisation of the Nepali Army by taking suggestions from the concerned committee of the interim parliament. This includes works like determination of the right number of the Nepali Army, prepare the democratic structure reflecting the national and inclusive character, and train them on democratic principles and human rights values
3. Continue the works of the Nepali Army such as border security, security of the conservation areas, protected areas, banks, airport, power house, telephone tower, central secretariat and security of VIPs.
III. Relating to the subjects of the interim constitution
1. Relating to interim constitution
1. Finalise the interim constitution presented by the interim constitution drafting committee as per the agreements reached today
2. The reinstated House of Representatives would promulgate the interim constitution and the newly formed interim legislature would endorse it.
2. Relating to the monarchy
1. No rights on state administration would remain with the King
2. Bring the properties of the late King Birendra, late Queen Aishwarya and their family members under the control of the Nepal government and use it for the welfare purposes through a trust.
3. All properties acquired by King Gyanendra by the virtue of him being the King (like palaces of various places, forests and conservation areas, heritage having historical and archaeological importance) would be nationalised.
4. Determine the fate of the institution of monarchy by the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly through simple majority vote.
3. Relating to interim legislature (parliament)
1. The interim legislature would be unicameral of the following type:
i. There would be 209 members of the seven parties and others who are members of the present lower and upper house (excluding those who opposed the people’s movement). Since the Left Front does not have its representation in the current parliament, its representation in the interim parliament would be determined based on understanding.
ii. 73 members from the side of the Maoists
iii. 48 members from among the sister organisations and professional bodies, oppressed ethnic communities and regions and political personalities (to be nominated based on understanding)
(total number : 330)
But those who stood against the people’s movement would not be given membership in the interim parliament.
1. The reinstated House of Representatives and National Assembly would be dissolved once the formation of the interim parliament is complete.
2. The people’s government, people’s court run by the CPN (Maoist) would be dissolved on the day of the formation of the interim parliament.
3. Run the interim parliament as per the political understanding
4. Relating to interim government
1. Form the interim cabinet as per the understanding
2. Determine the work division and structure of the interim parliament as per understanding
3. The interim government would work as per the aspiration of the people’s movement, political understanding and culture of cooperation
5. Relating to judiciary
1. Follow the norms and values and concept of the independent judiciary
2. Make the judiciary committed to the aspiration of the people’s movement, democracy and interim constitution
3. Institute a constitutional court to finalise disputes regarding the constituent assembly
6. Relating to constitutional bodies
1. A new constitutional council will be formed that will include the Prime Minister, Chief Justice and the Speaker of the interim parliament, which will recommend appointments at the constitutional bodies. Such appointments will be based on specific criteria.
2. The appointments in the Election Commission will be completed on the basis of understanding.
7. Relating to local bodies
1. Interim local bodies will be formed in district, city and village level on the basis of agreement between the seven political parties and the Maoists.
8. Relating to citizenship problem
* Distribute citizenship to all Nepalis who have been deprived of their citizenship certificate before the election of the constituent assembly
* Considering mid-April 1990 as the base (cut off) year, all Nepalese citizens who were born before that date and have been continuously living in Nepal since then will be provided with citizenship certificate.
* Other provisions regarding citizenship will be according to the provisions mentioned in the law.
9. Regarding the election of the constituent assembly
* The interim cabinet will be given the authority to ascertain the date to hold the election of the constituent assembly by mid-June 2007.
* The election of the constituent assembly will be based on mixed electoral system. 205 members will be elected through First-Past-The-Post system. 204 members will be elected as per the proportional representation system on the basis of votes won by the political parties. A law in this regard will be made after consultation with the Election Commission.
* While appointing the candidates, the political parties should ensure proportional representation of oppressed groups, region, Madheshi, Women, Dalit and other groups.
* 16 members will be nominated by the interim Council of Ministers from among distinguished persons.
* The total number of members of the constitutional assembly will be 425.
* Nepalese who are 18 years or above at the time when the interim constitution is promulgated will be eligible to vote.
* Monitoring of the election of the constituent assembly will be done by the United Nations.
10. Structure of the state
* To end discriminations based on class, ethnicity, lingual, gender, cultural, religion and region and to deconstruct the centralised and unitary structure of the state and to reconstruct it into an inclusive, democratic and forward looking state.
* A high level commission will be formed to suggest on the restructuring of the state.
* Final decision regarding the restructuring of the state will be made by the constituent assembly.
11. Directive principles of socio-economic transformation
* To end all forms of feudalism, a common minimum program will be prepared for socio-economic transformation on the basis of mutual agreement and they will be implemented.
* Formulate policies to implement scientific land reform program by doing away with the feudal land ownership.
* To adopt policies that will protect and promote national industries and resources.
* To ascertain the rights of the citizens on sectors like education, health, shelter, employment and food security.
* Policies will be adopted to provide land and socio-economic security to backward groups like landless, bonded labourers, tillers, Haruwa-charuwa and other such groups, which are socio-economically backward.
* To adopt policies to take strict actions against the people who have worked in government positions and have amassed huge amount of properties through corruption.
* Prepare a common development concept that will help in socio-economic transformation of the country and will also assist in ensuring the country’s prosperity in a short period of time.
* Follow policies ascertaining the professional rights of workers and increase investment on sectors like promoting industries, trade and export and increase employment and income generating opportunities.
IV. Relating to the management of the conflict victims
1. Provisions will be made for providing proper relief, respect and resettlement for the family members of the people who have died due to the conflict and for the ones who have been disabled.
2. Provide relief to the family members of the people who have been disappeared on the basis of the report presented by the investigation commission.
3. Carry out special programs to rehabilitate the people who have been displaced due to the conflict; to provide relief in case of destruction of private and public properties; and to reconstruct the destroyed infrastructures.
4. Conduct investigation about those who were involved in gross violation of human rights at the time of the conflict and those who committed crime against humanity. Form a high level Truth and Reconciliation Commission to create an environment for social reconciliation.
V. Miscellaneous
1. A high-level committee will be formed as per understanding to monitor if the agreement have been implemented.
2. The government will take action against anyone involved in acting against the code of conduct, agreement and laws.
3. At the time of the election of the constituent assembly, the political parties will be free to present their policies regarding republic, socio-economic transformation, referendum, election system and other such issues in which an agreement has not been reached now.
VI. Time Schedule
1. To conclude comprehensive peace agreement between Nepal government and the CPN (Maoists) by November 16, 2006
2. That all the Maoist combatants would gather into the camps by November 21, 2006 as stated in 2(1) and store the arms. The United Nations would do their verification and monitoring.
3. As stated in 2(5), the Nepali Army would remain confined in barrack by November 21, 2006 , keep the specified number of arms in the store and the United Nations would conduct its monitoring.
4. To complete the interim constitution by November 21, 2006
5. To promulgate the interim constitution by November 26, 2006 , establish the interim legislature and dissolve the House of Representatives and National Assembly
6. Form the interim cabinet by December 1, 2006
Prachanda Chairman, CPN (Maoists)
Girija Prasad Koirala Prime minister and president of the Nepali Congress
Madhav Kumar Nepal General secretary of CPN (UML)
Sher Bahadur Deuba President of Nepali Congress Democratic
Amik Sherchan Deputy prime minister and chairman of People’s Front Nepal
Bharat Bimal Yadav Vice president of NSP (Anandi Devi)
Narayan Man Bijukchhe President of NWPP
C. P. Mainali Chairman of Left Front
November 8, 2006
Note of dissent by the UML
Agreeing for the implementation of the subjects stated above as all other parties have agreement on those, our party has following differences:
1. The UML believes that the issue of whether to keep the monarchy or not should be determined through the referendum along with the election to constituent assembly
2. The UML believes that it would be most democratic to adopt the proportional system for election to the constituent assembly.
(nepalnews.com ia/yp Nov 08 2006)
(Rising Nepal, Nov.8)
Respecting the mandate expressed in favour of democracy, peace and forward movement through the historical struggles and revolutions staged frequently by Nepali people since pre-1950 era till the present, Reconfirming full commitment to the 12-point understanding between the seven political parties and the CPN (Maoist), the 8-point agreement and the 25-point ceasefire codes of conduct as well as all the understandings, agreements and codes of conducts between the Nepal Government and the CPN (Maoist), including the letter of consensus sent to the United Nations, Pledging to do a forward looking restructuring of the state by resolving class, ethnic, regional and gender related problems existing in the country, Reiterating full commitments to competitive multiparty democratic system, civil liberty, individual rights, human rights, full press freedom and the concept of rule of law as well as democratic norms and values, Guaranteeing the fundamental rights of the people to participate in the elections to the constituent assembly in an atmosphere free of fear and intimidation, Keeping democracy, peace, prosperity, forward looking socio-economic transformation as well as independence, integrity, sovereignty and dignity of the country at centre, the meeting of the top leaders of the seven political parties and the CPN (Maoist) held on 8th of November 2006 took the following decisions in order to implement the commitments of both the sides to holding the elections to the constituent assembly by mid-June 2007 in a free and fair manner.
I. On implementation of past agreements
1. To fully, honestly and strictly implement all the past understandings, agreements and codes of conducts.
2. To constitute a high level committee to probe and make public the whereabouts all the citizens reported to be disappeared by both the state and the Maoist.
3. To speed up the process of returning seized property. To ensure an atmosphere for the displaced to return home. To formulate district level committees involving both sides for this. To complete all these tasks within a month.
4. To publicly declare withdrawal of all charges and accusations against political leaders and workers by the state and the CPN (Maoist) and to immediately release political prisoners of both sides.
II. On armies and weapons
To work as per the
sentiments of the 12-point understanding, 8-point agreement, 25-point codes of
conduct and the five-point letter sent to the United Nations in order to hold
the elections to the constituent assembly in a peaceful, fair and fearless
atmosphere as well as to restructure and democratise the army.
On Maoist army
1. As per the commitment expressed in the
letters sent to the United Naitons by Nepal Government and the CPN (Maoist) on 9
August 2006, the Maoist combatants shall be confined in cantonments in the
following areas. The United Nations will verify and monitor them.
The main cantonments shall be in the following areas:
Kailali 2. Surkhet 3. Rolpa 4. Palpa 5. Kavre 6. Sindhuli 7. Ilam
There shall be three tributary cantonments around each of the main cantonments.
2. After the Maoist combatants have been confined within the cantonments, all the arms and ammunitions except those needed for the security of the cantonments shall be securely stored and locked with a single padlock within the cantonments and the concerned side shall keep the key. While fixing the padlock, a device with record and siren shall be installed for monitoring by the United Nations. While conducting necessary inspection of the stored weapons, the United Nations shall have to do it in the presence of the concerned party. Further technical details regarding this and camera monitoring shall be prepared in consensus with the United Nations, CPN (Maoist) and the Nepal government.
3. Nepal government shall manage the necessary things including rations for the Maoist combatants after they are kept in cantonments.
4. Interim cabinet shall form a special committee to coordinate and to rehabilitate the Maoist combatants.
5. Security of the Maoist leaders will be managed with coordination of the government.
On Nepal Army
6. Nepal Army (NA) shall be limited to the
barracks as per the commitments expressed in the letter sent to the United
Nations after assuring that the arms belonging to the national army shall not be
used for or against any group. The number of soldiers and weapons of the Nepal
Army under the UN supervision will be in proportion with the number of the
Maoist combatants and their weapons.
The weapons of the NA shall be kept with a single lockup and the concerned party shall keep the key. The arms shall be kept under UN supervision with electronic siren, and surveillance devices. The UN can inspect the weapons in presence of the concerned party.
7. Control, management and mobilisation of the army shall be guided by the new Military Act. After taking suggestions from political parties and the committees related to Interim Legislature, cabinet will formulate an extensive plan and the same body shall implement the programmes to democratise the army. The plans and programmes include fixing the numbers, democratizing the institution to make it inclusive and national army and the forces shall be trained after enhancing the characteristics of democracy and human rights.
8. NA may continue its previous works of providing security to borders, national parks, banks, airports, power stations, telephone tower, central secretariat and providing security to the VIPs.
III. Subjects of Interim Legislature
Final shape to the Interim Constitution will be given according to agreements
reached today.
b. The reinstated House of Representatives shall promulgate
and the new interim legislature will approve the interim Constitution.
2. On Monarchy
a. King will have no authority over national
b. Property of the late king Birendra, queen Aishworya and their family members shall be converted into a trust and be utilised for national welfare.
c. Property of the present king Gyanendra, which he has acquired as a king, shall be nationalised.
d. The first meeting of the elections to the constituent assembly will decide the future of the monarchy.
3. On Interim Legislature
a. Interim legislature will remain
a single house parliament with the following characteristics:
i. All the 209 members of the current Lower House and Upper House, except those who opposed the April Movement, shall be the members. Numbers of Joint Left Front will be decided later on consensus, as the party does not represent any member at the present Parliament.
ii. 73 members will be from CPN-Maoist party.
iii. 48 will represent from professional organisations, political figures and from the underdeveloped community and regions.
Total number - 330
b. The political parties, which were
against the People's movement in April, will not be allowed to participate in
the interim legislature.
c. The reinstated House of Representatives and National Assembly will be dissolved after the formation of interim legislature. Similarly, all governmental structure of the Maoists including the people's government and people's courts will be dissolved with the formation of interim legislature.
d. The interim legislature would be run through political consensus.
4. Interim Government
a) The interim council of ministers
will be constituted on the basis of political agreement.
b) The structure and work division of the council of ministers will be fixed with the mutual agreement amongst the political parties.
c) The interim government will carry out its function considering the spirit of the joint people's movement, political consent and the system of coalition government.
5. Judiciary
a) The concept of independent judiciary will be
b) The judiciary will work upholding the spirit of the people's movement, democracy and the interim constitution.
c) A constitutional court will be formed to settle the dispute related to constitution.
6. Constitutional Bodies
a) A new Constitutional Council will
manage recommendations for the appointment to the post of constitutional bodies
and the Council will consist of Prime Minister, Chief Justice, and Speaker of
the interim legislature.
b) The appointment will follow certain measurement and the Election Commission will get perfection on the basis of agreement.
7. Local Bodies
Interim local bodies in villages,
municipalities and districts will be constituted on the basis of the agreement
between seven political and the Maoists.
8. Citizenship
a) The citizenship will be distributed to all
the people who are deprived of the citizenship rights before holding the
elections to the constituent assembly.
b) The citizenship will be issued to all people who have been living in Nepal before the last of Chaitra in 2046 BS, taking the year as the base year, in an effective manner.
c) The other provisions of the citizenship will be settled as per the rules and regulations.
9. Elections to the Constituent Assembly
a) The total number
of the constituent assembly will be 425. Amongst them 205 members will be
elected with the system of first past the post and 204 members will be elected
through the proportionate election system as per the votes got by the political
b) Sixteen individuals, who earned dignified prestige in the national level, will be nominated to the constitutional assembly members by the council of ministers.
c) The election law will be enforced after holding discussions with the Election Commission.
d) The authority to decide the date of constituent assembly to hold the elections by mid-June will be given to the interim council of ministers and the election will be held under a mixed election system.
e) The political parties should give opportunity to the members of the utpidit (Marginailized) jati, region, Madheshi, women and dalit proportionately while contesting the elections
f) People who are 18 and above will be eligible to cast their votes in the constituent assembly elections
g) The United Nations will assist monitoring the elections to the constituent assembly.
10. On the structure of the State
a) Steps will be initiated
to bring about a complete restructuring of the state towards an inclusive
democratic set up by ending all forms of discrimination.
b) A high level commission will be formed to solicit suggestions for the restructuring of the state
c) The Constituent Assembly will give the final verdict on the points suggested for the restructuring of the state
11. Directive principles for social and economic transformation
a) Steps will be geared towards dismantling all dictatorial structures and a common programme will be implemented through mutual consensus among all parties.
b) Policies will be formulated to end unequal ownership of land and scientific a land reform policy will be implemented
c) Policies that protect national industries and means of production will be adopted
d) Policies aimed at ensuring the rights of all citizens to education, health, shelter and employment will be adopted
e) Policies that will provide assistance to the economically backward classes including the ex-Kamaiyas, landless squatters, and household farm workers will be implemented
f) Policies that punish those found involved in corruption and those amassing wealth through illegal means will be enforced
g) A common agenda will be worked out for the speedy economic and social transformation of the country.
h) Efforts will be directed towards increasing investments in the domestic industrial sector by protecting the rights of the industrial workers and those involved in various productive enterprises
IV. Regarding the rehabilitation of the conflict-hit people
1. Steps will be initiated towards bestowing honour upon those who lost their lives in the course of the conflict and giving appropriate compensations to individuals who got badly wounded in the conflict.
2. Compensations will be provided to the families of the disappeared persons on the basis of the report given by the probe commission
3. Special programme will be launched to re-construct the physical infrastructure and private property that were destroyed in the course of the conflict
4. A commission to bring about reconciliation among parties, individuals and institutions that were involved in the conflict will be formed. The committee will conduct investigation on the human rights abuses that took place in course of the armed conflicts
V. Miscellaneous
1. A high level joint
monitoring committee will be formed to oversee the strict implementation of the
above policies
2. The government will take legal actions against those who breach the code of conduct and go against the agreements of the eight parties
3. All political parties will have the freedom to express their views on issues such as republicanism, social and economic transformation, referendum and electoral systems in the course of the run up to the constituent assembly elections although agreement on the issues are yet to be reached.
VI. Time Schedule
1. A comprehensive peace
pact will be signed between the Nepal Government and the CPN-Maoist on November
16, 2006
2. The Maoists combatants will converge at the specified cantonments within November 21 and the process of shelving arms will be started, which will be monitored and verified by the UN
3. The Nepal Army soldiers will confine themselves to the barracks by November 21 and the storing of their weapons will be started. The process will be monitored and verified by UN.
4. The Interim Constitution will be finalized by November 21.
5. The Interim Constitution will be implemented by November 26. The dissolution of the House of Representatives and the National Assembly will be done on the same date.
6. The Interim Council of Ministers will be formed by December 1 The agreement bears the signatures of all the heads of the eight political parties.
November 8, 2006
The U.S. Embassy welcomes the announcement that the Government of Nepal and the Maoists have reached agreement on addressing key political and security issues. We especially congratulate the Nepali people, who have supported this process and who deserve a lasting peace and a transparent and democratic system of government.
The success of any final agreement will depend on its details and their implementation. The agreement must diminish the fear of violence, intimidation, and extortion that the people of Nepal have endured over the past 11 years. In this regard, effective monitoring that includes penalties for violators will prove essential. Like other friends of Nepal, the Embassy will follow developments here closely.
The United States is committed to help Nepal build a peaceful, prosperous, and democratic future for its people.
No. Kat/180/2006 Nov 08, 2006
Statement by Minister of External Affairs of India Shri Pranab
Mukherjee on SPA-CPN (Maoist) Decisions reached on 8 November 2006
The following statement was made today in New Delhi by the Minister of External Affairs of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee on the decisions taken by Seven Party Alliance and CPN (Maoist) on 8 November 2006.
The decisions taken by the leadership of the Seven Party Alliance led by Prime Minister G.P. Koirala and the CPN (Maoist) in the early hours of today are a victory for the people of Nepal. We welcome this significant step in Nepal’s democratic progress to a settled constitutional order in which the people of Nepal can realize their aspirations for peace and prosperity. We expect these decisions to place Nepal on the path of reconciliation, peace, stability and economic recovery.
We look forward to the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of Nepal and the CPN (Maoist) on 16 November 2006, as has been decided today. The people of Nepal must have the right to freely choose and decide their own destiny and future without fear of the gun.
India stands ready, as always, to extend its full support to the efforts of the Government and people of Nepal.
Following the 8 November agreement by the Government of Nepal and the Maoists for a comprehensive peace agreement, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Minister, Kim Howells, said:
'The UK congratulates the Government of Nepal and Maoists on their 8 November agreement. This agreement is a significant step towards peace in Nepal. We see it as a demonstration of both sides' commitment to building a stable and peaceful future.
'We now look to both sides to use the momentum they have created to implement the agreement together. The UK urges the Government of Nepal and the Maoists to respect and uphold the rule of law, without which any peace agreement will be inherently fragile. We welcome the opportunity to continue to support the peace process in a way that is helpful for the people of Nepal.'
Notes for Editors:
1. Both sides have agreed to sign the comprehensive peace agreement by 16
November 06. The agreement includes:
An interim constitution promulgated by
21 November;
By 24 November, Maoist combatants will be separated from their
An interim Parliament will be formed by 26 November;
An interim
government, led by Prime Minister Koirala will be formed by 1 December.
●暫定議会 12月26日までに設立。330議席。議席は指名らしい。
UML 73
NC-D 8
CPN-M 73
Others 48
●暫定憲法 11月21日までに公布。
●暫定政府 包括的和平協定に調印(11月16日までに)の後,12月1日までに設立。
●憲法制定会議 425議席。
205 現行選挙区より選出
204 各政党指名
16 首相が指名
●王制 憲法制定会議の初回会議で決定。単純多数決による。UMLは反対し,留保。
最後に,王制については,単純多数決により決定するそうだからどうなるか分からないが,おそらく,残す方向で進むのではないか? 繰り返し指摘してきたように,王室財産を国有化し,政治的権限を一切剥奪し,完全な象徴にしてしまえば,王制はそれほど危険ではない。観光資源ともなるし,国民統合の象徴としての利用価値はある。適任者がいないのであれば,国王か女王を選挙で選出してもよい。
* ekantipur, Nov.8; nepalnews.com, Nov.8; BBC, Nov.8
■Bishnu Pathak and Chitra Niraula assisted by Yashoda Upreti, "Election Theory for Constitutional Assembly in Nepal," United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal, Nov.4, 2006.
(3)「積極的武装解除(positive disarmament)」。破壊された橋,学校などをマオイストと協力し再建(joint
マオイストや7政党のロクタントラは,一方でその伝統的「法の支配」(rule of law)を破壊し,他方で近代的な「法による支配」(rule by law)を破壊した。そして,法なき「人民意志」の支配を始めようとしている。
* Kathmandu Post, Nov.1; United We Blog, Nov. 3
マオイストはほくそ笑んでいるのではないか。 現状が長引けば長引くほど,マオイストに有利になる。税収は上がり,地方有力者はマオイストに転向する。
* ekantipur, Nov.1; United We Blog, Oct.31.