World Peace for 21st Century
           Kamal Sigdel (Class 10 / Suryodaya Secondary School)


This world has passed through many wars and battles for several times. The two great wars were tremendous to this entire world. The First World War was an awful war with new technology bringing unbelievable loss of life. Second world war also brought miseries to human life.


The first Great War began in 1914 and ended in 1918. Europe was the starting place and spread around the world. This awful war brought many guns and arms into practice. Use of different grenades, tanks, warplanes, submarines and poisonous gases brought disastrous effects and killed many innocents.


At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month (11am November 11, 1918) the dreadful carnage of the First World War was officially ended. The death toll was horrendous. The cost brought financial problems to many countries and the entire map of the world was misplaced.


After world war this world enjoyed peace for about twenty years. During this period all the countries were busy in reconstruction.


Germans were unsatisfied with the condition mentioned in the treaty of Versailles which was made after the First World War. When Hitler came in power, he thought of taking revenge and started violence. During that period Germany adopted fascism.


The Second World War was fought for the sake of power. Many countries were compelled to take part in this war. Small and weak countries even lost their identity. Many boundaries were extended and contracted. Many countries of this world were hard hit by the war.


On 30 April 1945 Hitler shot himself. After his demise Germany surrendered. After dropping Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan also surrendered before U.S.A. By the end of this war there were only two supreme powers in existence; they are U.S.A. and S.S.S.R. This world was brought untold sorrows to mankind. People were tired of wars and battles. There was no peace at all. Countries were in search of peace and help.


So, many nations wanted to form an organization which could settle their disputes and would help them work together. These countries pledged themselves for the maintenance of international peace and security. They finally assembled and established the United Nations Organization (U.S.O.).


In the beginning of the foundation of U.N.O. there were only 50 member-states in this organization. At present there are 185 member countries of the world. Nepal became its member in 1955.


This organization runs by voluntary contribution from rich nations. Its annual budget is 1.3 billion US $. This amount is used for the development and peacekeeping works. U.N.O. also helps to the poor countries in different sectors like health, education, food etc.


At present peace is very essential for all countries. All countries of the world are willing to live in peace and dignity. Developmental works can only run in peaceful environment. To maintain world peace is the role of U.N.O. U.N.O. stops wars and conflicts between two nations but it doesn’t interfere in the internal conflicts of the country.


Considering the South Asian Development, an organization named SAARC was established in 1985.


This organization is the integrated form of seven South Asian countries. They are Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Maldives and Bhutan. This organization works for the promotion of South Asian people and also works together towards finding solutions to their common problems and maintaining peace among the member nations.


On the whole the peace is very essential for all. We all should put our efforts for the world peace. Peaceful environment should be created for the living creatures and for mankind. For maintaining the world-peace we all should develop the concept of brotherhood.