Women  Status  in  Nepal


Bindu Poudel(Nagasaki, Japan)



The female population of Nepal is larger in comparision with other South Asian countries.The position of women differs from one ethnic group to another and from one  region to another in Nepal. Nepali society there are people belonging to various tribes and culture -such as Bramins Chhetris , Newars , Tamang , Magars and occupational castes. Since the society is greatly influenced with Hindu caste  social structure/ the position and status of women in high caste is differnent from than other caste. Hindu society is more male- dominated than in some other hill ethnic tribes. According to Hindu social custom, sati, (in the past widow used to  burn alive along with her dead husband ) ,child mariage, polygamy and the restriction on widow marriage are in practice from the time  immemorial. Women who is belonging to the  lower and untouchable groups are mostly exploited  though their position is higher  than the upper caste women within their own caste groups


Religiously, men and women both at least have to give birth a son. It is thinking that without the a son parents can not go to the heaven after their death. A son only can open the door of heaven who will remains at home to look after parents  old-aged. But daughter can not stay with their parents at a long time. Parents take  their girl child as a symbol of some days guest at their home. As per a family planning survey conducted in Nepal the desire to have a son by women without childern was found to be 86%and in women who have had girl the desire for a son was 100% those with one son wanted another son in 90% of the cases. We can easily imagine that having a son is extrembly important in Nepali society . So from the very begining of her birth the girl child is discriminated by parents and society . The family do not want to invest for girl either in education or any other skill development programmes.Because she can not be useful after her marriage so all possible facilities they want to provide to their son.


Many information and statistics available which confirm the low  status of women and girls in Nepal and which depicts gender disparties in health, education and labour force. The infant  morality  rate  (IMR ) of females higher than for males. The ratio of life expectancy is not as equal as man . There is a similar pattern of discrimination in education. The majority of girls are deprived to help their mothers with her house hold work, the cattle rearing, and take care of their small  brothers and sisters. Consequently, they should leave school at an early age. It has a common attitude that education for girls is a wasted investement. .


The basic economic disadvantage women face in terms of unequal right to in herit , own parental property and the social disadvantage they face in terms of control over their sexuallity are most overloked . The economic status of  women in Nepal  is so pitiable.Womens’ representation in government administration is very nominal.Overal women still constitute less than eight percent in government administration. A  very few women are represented in the executive position of  the political parties. Women representation at the ministerial level has ranged between one and two percent since 1991.Womens’ political participation and  access to positons of power are restricted because of problems suchas; personal insecurity, restrictions on her mobility, lack of economic resources, to participate  in public activity, sole responsibility of household affairs and child care activities. Poverty and ignorance forced some the poor and ignornat rural youg  girls sell themselves to the brothels in India .Sometimes parents, husband and relatives are involved in the selling the innocent female members of their family . It is said that  there are about 150 thousand female sex workers in different brothels of India. Due to the lack of awareness, education, employment and strong legal provision against those who are involved in such activities getting encouraged this social evil.


Similary women’s health is also so miserable,the main reason is that the early marriage,hard work ,no prper health care . Even today in village about 40% of the girls are married before the age of 16 . About same ratio of girls bear their first child  between ages of 15 and 19 which means that the baby will probably be of low birth weight. It brings high mother and child mortality rate in Nepal.Without having better care to pregnancy and bearing many childreen also are endangering the womens’ condition.As for desiring son women are sacrifying their lives.They are force to give birth even a dozen childern in a cost ofa son. Dowry,(daijo) gifts given to bride on behalf of girls’ family while during the marriage ceromony.Nepalese  women are suffering form such evil-social practice. Those who can not bring  enough dowries they sometime use to be harrassed by the bridegroom’s side .   Every year many innocent girls are being sucided due to the harrassement made by their husband’s side.Those who can not afford dowry,, they can hardly get bride groom for theirgrown upsdaughter.However it is not  in  practice in all over the country.It depends on the region and society. Poligamy, domestic violence, discrimination in education and parental property and social status are the key women issues in Nepal.Few efforts so far have been made  by the  governmental and non governmental sectors to improve the situation of women but these are yet to cope up the issues practically.


Even at the age of 21st century, the Nepalese women are still facing the problems  as like the 14th century women.They are economically , politically , academically and socially backward in comparision the women in the other parts of the world. Therefore,the women education is  the most needeed things particularly for  country like Nepal.It should be made such policies with women rights can be  guaranted.There must be equal opportunities to the women so that they can  equally access in health, education, employment , trade and other prosperous  sectors as like men and they can make their own fate themselves.